Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Paint The Town Pastel

Hi everyone! Pardon my rather lengthy absence! The easter break has begun and there were so many things occurring in the first week :) For starters, I stayed at Suzanne's place for almost two weeks. However in the middle I was travelling to Berlin with my other girls. Will talk about it later. Briefly, it was a rather eye-opening trip. Learnt so much history there! Not to mention we visited a concentration camp site, which was quite gory and terrifying and most of all, depressing. As I said, will elaborate upon it later :)

Again, the seasons of the blooming flowers have arrived. Maybe not completely in London, but at least the sun is shining a little bit longer nowadays. With that being said, I felt like exposing myself to a brighter shade of outfit. Thank goodness for Primark! ;) I got the pink tiger sweats from there, and the shorts too! Actually was planning to wear this back in Indo during summer, but I just can't wait! 

Oh and lastly, Happy (belated) Easter for all who celebrate! x

 FlowerCrown - Courtesy of SuzanneSarah, Pink Tiger Sweater & Turqoise Flamingo Shorts - Primark, Turqoise Loafers - Tods

Photo Creds: SuzanneSarah


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