Friday, March 22, 2013

Monochrome and Party Hats

First off, my apologies for not posting for almost a week. It's just that it's the last week of school and other things just got in the way. Nonetheless, this post is about what I did last weekend. Based on the title and the pictures it's pretty obvious that I attended the 21st of none other than my darling Raisa Menon! Many happy returns!

Due to the fact that I had to be out the whole day since morning cause of dance practice before the event, I chose to wear something practical instead of some intricate outfit that'll look good undoubtedly but it's not the kind that you'd wanna wear the whole day. Again, pieces from h&m were what I opted for. Indonight is coming up real soon and I feel psyched yet scared at the same time! x

H&M Dress and Blazer, Primark Waist Belt, Russel & Bromley Boots

Top Row: Daryl, Sarah E
Bottom Row: Nishyo, Yasmin, Raisa, Shanka and Riyana


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