Tuesday, February 26, 2013

LFWE 2013 : Louise Gray

The title is kinda self explanatory, no? Nonetheless, I'll elaborate more about it. Well, during the weekend me and of course Annisa went to this year's London Fashion Weekend (LFWE) 2013 that was held in Somerset House, London (duh). I must say, I've always admired Somerset House. Its finesse ornaments are just sublime in the sense that it was build plenty of years ago, yet it still stood mightily in one might say, central London.

Aanyways, why am I rambling about Somerset House? This year I got to witness one of the fashion show, which was Louise Gray. Her collection is a mixture of vibrant and felicity, which I find highly tasteful. Afterwards we dawdle away by strolling around the shopping area. I didn't bag anything myself but Annisa found the cutest neon DKNY shirt for such a bargain!

As usual, the weather wasn't being too amiable so I didn't really take off my coat the whole time. We managed to get some lovely bystanders to take a picture of us in front of the gigantic TV. I know, it's not the most flattering picture but hey, it was a lovely gesture of them! Standing next to Annisa, I look so calm with my pastel colors. Hope you enjoy reading this, see you next time! x 



Zara Coat, F21 Denim Shirt and Flower Necklace, Topshop Mini Mint Skirt, L.K. Bennett Crossbody Pouch, Russel & Bromley Leather Boots.


  1. suka sama blog kamu...terimakasih sudah mau follow blog aku, aku juga sudah follow back blog kamu...:))
    senang berkenalan:))

    style kamu unik, lucu, keren...


  2. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other???
    Lovely greets Nessa

  3. Thank you so much for teh follow.^^
    Follow you back on gfc.

  4. cute blog :) stop by anytime :)
    xoxo Sienna


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